How to be free when painting and find your flow

I can honestly say I am exhausted and so full of energy and inspiration all at the same time.

This past weekend I was hosting my Free Online Art retreat where I welcomed over 4500 artists from all over the world. It was wonderful to see people returning to their creative process and making time for themselves to simply do something they love – that is so incredibly important, more so now than ever before.

I am lucky enough to have a team helping support me with the admin so I can focus on teaching and we have been going through the feedback and have the biggest smiles on our faces.

I want to share just one of the comments with you here in this blog as it really reflects exactly what my hope was for this particular art retreat…

“I had been feeling STUCK in my own art practice and was unsure how to get past my blocks. This course helped me to be looser, more playful, and inspired me to try new things. Thank you Jenny.”

How amazing is that!!


How to be free when painting and find your flow

For me, my art is all about connecting with my flow – that inner energy that just disconnects the critical side of my brain and allows me to give in to painting and creating. I can relate completely to the comment above. Blocks happen. It is about creating that me time, free from guilt, so you can work through them.

Art journaling became my resting place and where I give myself time to recover. It is a way for my creative soul to be totally free and a way to find the unique creative source within myself. Art Journaling is a very important part of my creative process and it also allows me to relax, let go and find my flow. I feel safe working in my art journal. For me, art journaling opens up the magic of what is unique within me.

And the best part is I can take my art journals out and about with me, a small kit of supplies and I can sit by the lake, in the garden or even on an aeroplane, and simply just be!

How to start an art journal

There are so many thoughts and boards on starting an art journal. You can even buy beautifully bound, perfectly clean journals ready for you to get started.

This is certainly one way to start.

It is not for me.

Journaling should be a path without a set destination, it is a safe place for you to explore your thoughts and see where they take you.

One of my favourite ways to relax and learn new things is to play in an art journal. I love the grungy, “ugly” junk journal made out of an old book or scrap paper and fabric. For me, the path is the goal – the result is just a bonus!  

Think about what you want your journal to be, do you want to explore a journey or paint with a destination in mind?

Book of Flow – Online Art Course

Join me on a 4-week journey. Book of Flow is an online art journaling course like no other.

Over the course of 4 weeks, we will work together to help you uncover a way to express your unique voice with confidence. You’ll be bolder and braver and have begun to find peace in letting go and finding your flow. You’ll feel inspired, energised and excited about making time for you to create.

It’s time to focus on the process of making – without getting hung up on the end result. It’s all inside us already and we will find ways to access it, so we can enjoy the process without the pressure of perfection. This is how we’ll be able to keep creating long after the e-course has finished.  


Finding Inspiration Through the 100 Day Project


The artists toolkit